
Online Education

How Does Online Education Work?

澳门网络博彩游戏, you will be exposed to many different learning experiences, including classes with an online element.

在线教育中心(COE)管理Canvas,北园的学习管理系统(LMS)。. COE还:

  • Fields online learning requests
  • Offers training and assistance
  • 传达有关Canvas更改、问题和维护的信息


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Online Education Basics

If this is your first time taking an online college course, you undoubtedly have some questions about how online learning works. 我们可以回答您的所有问题,并解释为什么北园的在线教育对所有学习者来说都是一个灵活而有益的选择.

在线课堂和校园课堂的主要区别在于内容的传递方式. Instead of attending class on campus, 你使用一个有密码保护的网站来访问讲座和阅读, interact with classmates, complete assignments, 然后进行测试. 另一个重要的区别是,在线课程是异步的, meaning you don’t have to be at your computer at a set time. 您可以随时随地访问课程材料并参与讨论. It is truly learning-on-demand.

Types of Courses

When you are taking an on-campus course, 您的教授可以选择使用我们的LMS在线发布内容和课程作业. 你将像往常一样上课,然后按照教授的指示使用LMS

When you take a hybrid course here at North Park, 这意味着你的课程作业中有25-75%是以在线形式进行的,但你仍然需要参加预定的课程. 你将会比在校课程更多地使用我们的LMS, but with elements of the in-class experiences.

NPU的在线课程完全在网上进行,由教授传统面对面课程的同一位教授教授. Rather than attending class at NPU, 您将登录到LMS参加论坛或访问作业和课程内容.

Online Orientations

Undergraduates taking Online/Hybrid Courses

如果您注册了在线课程或混合课程,请利用101年代帆布教程. 本在线教程将帮助您更好地了解Canvas,并为您提供有关在线或混合课程环境中成功的期望和最佳实践的信息.

New Student Online Orientation

这个方向是为在澳门网络赌博游戏攻读学位的研究生和专业研究学院的新学生准备的. Throughout this orientation, 作为一名归国学生,您将被介绍到技术需求的一系列主题, academic planning, 资助你的教育,确保你在这里作为学生得到支持.

您的在线培训将在北园的学习管理系统(LMS)上进行. You will be given a brief introduction to Canvas, 但对于更深入的教程,您将在本方向结束时被引导到我们的帆布学生教程介绍(Canvas 101S).

This orientation is a zero credit, pass/fail course.


Many on-campus courses use Canvas, North Park’s Learning Management System (LMS), to enhance the classroom learning experience. When you register for an online/hybrid course at North Park, 您将能够使用您的North Park帐户用户名和密码安全地登录到LMS并参与您的虚拟教室. 请记住,除非您在O365帐户中设置了电子邮件转发,否则您的所有课程通信都将发送到您的North Park学生邮箱. 学生不需要购买或下载任何额外的软件来访问LMS. 学生将需要一台能高速上网的电脑和一个像Chrome或Firefox这样的浏览器.

Canvas Training Information

Introduction to Online Learning (101年代帆布)

所有的学生 can easily go to their Canvas Dashboard to access the 101年代帆布 training tutorial without having to enroll or request to be enrolled. As a reminder, this training is completely online and is full of tutorials and videos for how to use Canvas from the students’ perspective. We hope that it will be 有益的. To manage what courses you see on your Dashboard, visit this Canvas Guide. 

Access Canvas Now

Is Online Education Right for You?

Online education has some terrific advantages, 也就是说,你可以在任何地方按照自己的时间安排获得有价值的学位. However, online education may not be for everyone. Online courses require a significant amount of self-motivation. 在线学生应该按时完成每周的作业,并经常出现在讨论区.

有些人不喜欢参加在线课程,因为他们觉得实时地表达自己更好, face-to-face context. On the other hand, many enjoy the online environment better than classroom interaction, because online courses require everyone to participate. 这确保了在课堂环境中可能丢失的视角的多样性, where it’s easier to “hide in the back.此外,书面观点往往比现场讨论更能引发更深层次的思考.

不要认为在线课程比面对面的课程更容易. 事实上, 在线课程的工作量通常比传统课程要大, 因为学生必须在正常阅读作业的基础上阅读相当于课堂授课的内容. 其余的作业都是一样的,评分标准也是一样的, 体贴, and full effort.